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My Feminization Part 10 :: Paula is a Total Tart
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

Paula’s auntie takes him out shopping for sexy shoes and his secret is revealed! Auntie has another secret too… a nice thick strap-on for her new “little girl!”

My Feminization Part 9 :: Paula
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

Paul�s home for the holidays when his aunt catches him in bed wearing her nylons and decides to make him her new girl to play with!

My Feminization Part 8 :: The Perfect Sissybitch
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

Mistress finds the perfect match on-line -- a totally pliable and prissy, ready to be fucked, strutting around in stilettos sissybitch!

My Feminization Part 7 :: Jeanny’s First Man
Xavier Duvet
Price: $15.95

It’s time for the Madame’s sissy to experience a real man for the first time! She just winds up wanting more of his warm shaft!

My Feminization Part 6 :: The Madame�s Story
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

She put him into silky stockings patent leather heels and took total control over her new life! This is the Madame�s version of the events in episodes 1 and 2!

My Feminization Part 5 :: I Am A Bitch
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

A new letter to Duvet! This little sissy bitch gets dressed up for a night out in the glory hole room!!!

My Feminization Part 4 :: His Wife's New Boyfriend
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

The second part of How I Became My Wife�s Maid� His wife brings home a new boyfriend and the maid gets to watch� humiliated!

My Feminization Part 3 :: How I Became My Wife's Maid
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

A new letter to Xavier Duvet! This time his wife discovers hubby�s secret desires to wear panties and heels� guess what happens!

My Feminization Part 1
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

Real life sissification stories based on letters to Xavier Duvet! This is HOT!

My Feminization Part 2 :: Her New Job
Xavier Duvet
Price: $10.95

He�s now fully feminized in sheer black stockings and stiletto heels! What better place to put her to work than at Madame�s lingerie boutique!?

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