Boss to Bimbo III: Made to Sissy Maid
Hey, nobody said being a pretty secretary was going to be easy. The bills are adding up. Lipstick, lingerie and stiletto heels aren't cheap these days. Especially for a working girl making minimum wage. Rachel decides that Miss Pinky needs to earn her keep one way or another.
What better use for a simpering sissy than to bring her home and turn her into a French maid? That's not going to easy either! Pinky learns the hard way that manual labor in five inch heels and a tightly cinched corset ain't exactly a walk in the park!
Like any good maid, Miss Pinkpanties serves Rachel's friends and Miss Sinclair's new hunk of burning love. Pinky gets an extra special work-out in this one!
• 10 full color, multi-panel illustrations!
• Story of more than 7,000 words!
• Don't miss the first two B2B stories. Only available at!
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